Mannerism Artists Index

Mannerism Artists Index

Alphabetical Index of the Great Masters of the Mannerism

Mannerism is an art historical style that emerged in Italy during the late Renaissance period, around the early 16th century, and lasted until the early 17th century. It was a reaction against the classical idealism and naturalism of the High Renaissance, and it is characterized by a deliberate distortion of form and space, a heightened sense of drama, and an emphasis on the emotional and spiritual over the rational and empirical.

Mannerism was particularly prevalent in painting, sculpture, and architecture, and it was influenced by the works of artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci. Some of the key features of Mannerism include exaggerated poses, elongated proportions, twisted and contorted figures, and a complex and often obscure iconography.

Mannerism was also characterized by a fascination with allegory and symbolism, and many works from this period contain elaborate allegorical themes and intricate hidden meanings. Additionally, Mannerist artists often employed a sophisticated use of color and light, creating a heightened sense of drama and emotion.